Why join NYSCC?
The Council is the parent organization that represents over 300,000 sportsmen and women from sportsmen’s groups, rod & gun clubs, and various other organizations across New York State. Efforts of individuals and organizations interested in conservation and outdoor activities in New York State are coordinated through the NYSCC to aid in forming and establishing sound policies and practices that will conserve, protect, and perpetuate forests, wildlife, fish, and scenic and recreational areas. These efforts allow present and succeeding generations to continue to enjoy and use our state’s great natural resources.
Representatives from County Federations and Associate Member organizations gather details and provide input on issues of concern to their members, weigh the information, and then vote accordingly at the NYSCC’s Annual or Legislative Meetings. Additional input is provided by our Affiliate (local or special interest) Members. The votes at these meetings set Council policies which are used when dealing with the governor, our legislators, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and other state agencies.
The NYSCC is not a state agency and does not receive state or federal monies. The organization is run by volunteers from across the state.
How Can You Help?
Become a member of the New York State Conservation Council, Inc., by enrolling in one of the categories below. Your membership will help strengthen the voice of hunters, anglers, trappers, and conservationists, and assist in the ability of the Council to help guard the natural resources of New York State for yourself and for generations to come.
Scroll down for membership descriptions and levels.
Membership Levels
for Individuals and Clubs
Guardian | $30
Access to Grass Roots News, Email updates
Defender | $65
Access to Grass Roots News, Email updates.
*Required membership for clubs wishing to participate in the Sportsmen’s & Conservation Club Liability Insurance Program
Lifetime | $350
One time fee for lifetime of access and information (only available to individuals)
Membership Levels
for Member Organizations
Active Members | $250
One Active Member shall be designated for each of the counties of this State. They are granted the privilege of the floor at NYSCC meetings and have a vote in the conduct of the affairs of the NYSCC. Active Members may submit two resolutions each year to the Resolutions Committee.
Associate Members | $250
Statewide organizations that subscribe to the purposes and goals of the NYSCC may become an Associate Member. Each may submit two resolutions per year to the Resolutions Committee. Associate Members are granted the privilege of the floor at NYSCC meetings and have a vote in the conduct of the affairs of the NYSCC.
Affiliate Members | $100
Any organization subscribing to the purposes and goals of the NYSCC may become an Affiliate Member. They are granted the privilege of the floor at NYSCC meetings and may submit one resolution each year to the Resolutions Committee. Affiliate Members have no vote in the conduct of the affairs of the NYSCC.