Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)
An untreatable and fatal brain and nervous system disease found in deer, elk, and moose.
Hunters Helping Hungry
Anyone who legally takes a deer may donate portions of the meat for use by charitable or not-for-profit organizations that serve or distribute food to those in need.
Meat processors are a critical component of this program. If you process venison, check out how you too can become involved with this program.Hunger is a reality in many communities across New York State.
We often fail to see the needs of families right in our own back yard. Needy families are out there. Sportsmen associated with the New York State Conservation Council, Inc. saw those needs and strongly advocated for legislation to address the problem. In 1993, a law was passed here in New York State that allows sportsmen to do their share to alleviate some of that hunger.
In 2000, under the Resource Conservation and Development Program of the US Department of Agriculture, and with cooperation from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and many sportsmen’s groups, the idea of a venison donation coalition was formulated. Since that time many corporate sponsors, sportsmen’s groups, individuals and agencies have joined in this coalition to provide food for the needy. Farmers, hunters, meat processors, individuals and sportsmen’s federations have assisted the Venison Donation Coalition with their efforts. Since 2000, almost 500,000 pounds of highly nutritious, high-protein venison have been distributed by food banks to those in need.
The Process
Sportsmen take the venison to a participating meat processor (best to call ahead) and indicate how much of the venison they would like to donate.
Each package of meat will be labeled, tagged and marked with the following items by the meat processor:
License number, DMP number, or DMAP number of the sportsman
Name & address of the meat processor
Date of processing
Identified as “stew meat” or “ground meat”
The phrase “NOT FOR SALE”
Donated meat may contain no additives
Sporting Access

Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources
Home Science: Backyard Conservation
North American Wildlife Enforcement Officers Association
New York Conservation Officers Association
International Hunter Education Association